《神秘岛》是法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳的一部科幻小说,也是其《格兰特船长的儿女》、《海底两万里》和《神秘岛》三部曲中的最后一部。小说描写的是美国南北战争期间,工程师、记者、水手、黑人和孩子五个被困在南方的北方人在利用热气球逃脱之后,在暴风中降落在一个荒岛之上,之后五人在岛上进行生活,并制造出各种生活用品与工具,同时也遇到了尼摩船长以及被流放的艾尔通,最后登上了格兰特船长的儿子指挥的邓肯号返回文明社会。 …

Mathias Sandorf was an 1885 adventure book by French writer Jules Verne. It was first serialized in Le Temps in 1885, and it was Verne's epic Mediterranean adventure. It employs many of the devices that had served well in his earlier novels: islands, cryptograms, surprise revelations of identity, technically advanced …

The Fur Country is an adventure novel by Jules Verne in The Extraordinary Voyages series, first published in 1873. The novel was serialized in Magasin d’Éducation et de Récréation from September 1872 to December 1873. The two-volume first original French edition and the first illustrated large-format edition were …