Featuring the works from Marx's enormous corpus, this title covers Marx's development from the Hegelian idealism of his youth to the mature socialism of his later works. It includes writings from Marx's early philosophical works, and the central writings on historical materialism.

Немецкая идеология — философская работа К. Маркса и Ф. Энгельса. Состоит из двух томов. Написана с ноября 1845 г. по август 1846 г., но Маркс и Энгельс не нашли издателя. Впервые полностью опубликована в 1932 году в Москве под редакцией Д. Рязанова. В данной работе материализм впервые систематическим образом был …

Written in 1833-4, when Marx was barely twenty-five, this astonishingly rich body of works formed the cornerstone for his later political philosophy. In the Critique of Hegel's Doctrine of the State, he dissects Hegel's thought and develops his own views on civil society, while his Letters reveal a furious intellect …