image of Katherine Paterson

Katherine Paterson

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Bread and Roses, Too is a 2006 children's historical novel written by American novelist Katherine Paterson. Set in Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1912 in the aftermath of the Lawrence Textile Strike, the book focuses on the Italian-born daughter of mill workers who finds herself becoming the protector of a boy who is …

... Unknown

Bron till Terabitia är en roman skriven av den amerikanska författaren Katherine Paterson. Romanen publicerades 1977 och filmatiserades år 2007 som Bridge To Terabithia.

... Unknown

Bron till Terabitia är en roman skriven av den amerikanska författaren Katherine Paterson. Romanen publicerades 1977 och filmatiserades år 2007 som Bridge To Terabithia.

... Unknown

Come Sing, Jimmy Jo is a 1985 children's novel written by U.S. novelist Katherine Paterson. The book focuses on a West Virginia boy named James Johnson, whose parents are bluegrass music performers. When it is discovered that James has previously unrecognized musical talent, his parents force him to take the stage …