Suna no onna is een Japanse film uit 1964 onder regie van Hiroshi Teshigahara. De film is gebaseerd op de gelijknamige roman van Kobo Abe uit 1962, die tevens het script voor zijn rekening nam. De film is ook uitgebracht als Vrouw in het Zand en Woman in the Dunes. Suna no onna ontving in 1964 de Speciale Jury Prijs …

The nature of identity itself is the ostensible subject of this bizarrely fascinating existential novel from the great Japanese fiction writer and dramatist Kobo Abe. In the story, a man decides to give up the self that he has been all his life to attain a state of blissful anonymity. He leaves his world behind and …

The Face of Another is a 1964 novel by Kōbō Abe. In 1966, It was adapted into a film directed by Hiroshi Teshigahara.

The Ruined Map is a novel written by the Japanese writer Kōbō Abe in 1967. The Ruined Map is the story of an unnamed detective, hired by a beautiful, alcoholic woman, to find clues related to the disappearance of her husband. In the process, the detective is given a map, supposedly to help him, but which turns out in …