The nature of identity itself is the ostensible subject of this bizarrely fascinating existential novel from the great Japanese fiction writer and dramatist Kobo Abe. In the story, a man decides to give up the self that he has been all his life to attain a state of blissful anonymity. He leaves his world behind and …
The Face of Another is a 1964 novel by Kōbō Abe. In 1966, It was adapted into a film directed by Hiroshi Teshigahara.
《燃烧的地图》,日本战后作家安部公房长篇小说,故事内容是一位追查失踪者的私家侦探,在都市的迷宫之中,这名私家侦探渐渐地迷失了自我,小说中呈现的荒谬、疏离、死亡、伤害等等情节,说明现代人的无知与游移不定。台湾作家钟肇政在翻译《燃烧的地图》时指出:“安部的文学,与自然主义以来的以实感为主的文学,有其实质上的差异。” …