Tristram Shandy er en roman av den irskfødte, britiske presten Laurence Sterne utgitt første gang 1759 til 1767. Boka, som er en fiktiv selvbiografi med lite konkret handling, men desto flere utradisjonelle grep, pussige påfunn og digresjoner, morsomme anekdoter og personbeskrivelser, regnes som en klassiker i …

A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy is a novel by Laurence Sterne, written and first published in 1768, as Sterne was facing death. In 1765, Sterne travelled through France and Italy as far south as Naples, and after returning determined to describe his travels from a sentimental point of view. The novel …

This edition of "the most modern of eighteenth-century novels" reprints the text of the first edition of the volumes of Tristram Shandy as they appeared from December 1759 to January 1767, including the two illustrations by Hogarth. Obvious errors have been corrected, but most of the conventions of eighteenth-century …

'Love is nothing without feeling. And feeling is still less without love.'Celebrated in its own day as the progenitor of 'a school of sentimental writers', A Sentimental Journey (1768) has outlasted its many imitators because of the humour and mischievous eroticism that inform Mr Yorick's travels. Setting out to …

Tristram Shandy er en roman av den irskfødte, britiske presten Laurence Sterne utgitt første gang 1759 til 1767. Boka, som er en fiktiv selvbiografi med lite konkret handling, men desto flere utradisjonelle grep, pussige påfunn og digresjoner, morsomme anekdoter og personbeskrivelser, regnes som en klassiker i …

A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy is a novel by Laurence Sterne, written and first published in 1768, as Sterne was facing death. In 1765, Sterne travelled through France and Italy as far south as Naples, and after returning determined to describe his travels from a sentimental point of view. The novel …