Family Happiness is an 1859 novella written by Leo Tolstoy, first published in The Russian Messenger.
Tolstoy's passionate and iconoclastic writings--on issues of faith, immortality, freedom, violence, and morality--reflect his intellectual search for truth and a religion firmly grounded in reality. The selection includes 'A Confession,' 'Religion and Morality,' 'What Is Religion, and of What Does Its Essence …
Anna Kareninová, nebo také Anna Karenina je román Lva Nikolajeviče Tolstého poprvé vydaný na pokračování v letech 1873 až 1877, tedy krátce po návratu z Evropy a svatbě se svou ženou. V románu se proplétají dva hlavní příběhy - tragický, beznadějný osud Anny, jejího muže i milence a nalezení životního štěstí a pravdy …
"What Men Live By" is a short story written by Russian author Leo Tolstoy in 1885. It is one of the short stories included in his collection What Men Live By, and Other Tales, published in 1885. The compilation also included the written pieces "The Three Questions", "The Coffee-House of Surat", and "How Much Land Does …
Sevastopol Sketches are three short stories written by Leo Tolstoy and published in 1855 to record his experiences during the Siege of Sevastopol. The name originates from Sevastopol, a city in Crimea. The book has also been released under the anglicized title The Sebastopol Sketches and is sometimes titled Sevastopol …