The Forged Coupon is a novella in two parts by Leo Tolstoy. Though he first conceived of the story in the late 1890s, he did not begin writing it until 1902. After struggling for several years, he finally completed the story in 1904; however, it was not published until some of Tolstoy's shorter works were collected …
Román Vojna a mír je čtyřdílná románová epopej, hlavní dílo ruského spisovatele Lva Nikolajeviče Tolstého, jedno z největších a nejslavnějších děl světové literatury. Lev Tolstoj se v názvu své knihy inspiroval ve stejnojmenném díle Pierra-Josepha Proudhona.
What is Art? is a book by Leo Tolstoy. It was completed in Russian in 1897 but first published in English due to difficulties with the Russian censors. Tolstoy cites the time, effort, public funds, and public respect spent on art and artists as well as the imprecision of general opinions on art as reason for writing …