«Охота на Снарка» — поэма Льюиса Кэрролла, написанная в 1876 году, образец литературы абсурда. Основа сюжета — охота команды из девяти человек и бобра за таинственным Снарком. Произведение описывает «с нескончаемым юмором невозможное путешествие невероятной команды в поисках невообразимого существа». Поэма использует …

"Phantasmagoria" is a poem written by Lewis Carroll and first published in 1869 as the opening poem of a collection of verse by Carroll entitled Phantasmagoria and Other Poems. The collection was also published under the name Rhyme? And Reason? It is Lewis Carroll's longest poem. Both the poem and the collection were …

Sylvie and Bruno, first published in 1889, and its second volume Sylvie and Bruno Concluded published in 1893, form the last novel by Lewis Carroll published during his lifetime. Both volumes were illustrated by Harry Furniss. The novel has two main plots: one set in the real world at the time the book was published, …