The Cat Who Could Read Backwards is the first novel in Lilian Jackson Braun's "The Cat Who..." series, published in 1966.

The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern is the second novel in Lilian Jackson Braun's "The Cat Who..." series, published in 1967. This book introduces Yum Yum, who will become a permanent character in the series.

The Cat Who Saw Red is the fourth book in the Cat Who series of mystery novels by Lilian Jackson Braun, published in 1986.

The Cat Who Played Post Office is the sixth book in The Cat Who Series, published in 1987. Jim Qwilleran has acquired a large mansion, from Aunt Fanny, and of course a mystery. Iris Cobb joins him in Pickax as the mansion's caretaker, along with Koko and Yum-Yum. Koko keeps trying to tell Qwill something about the …

The Cat Who Turned On and Off is the third novel in a series of murder mystery novels by Lilian Jackson Braun.

The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare is the seventh book in The Cat Who Series by Lilian Jackson Braun, published in 1988.

The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal is the twelfth book in the Cat Who series of mystery novels by Lilian Jackson Braun, published in 1991.

Une aventure de Koko et Yom Yom, l'inoubliable duo félin et leur maître, le journaliste Jim Qwilleran !Lorsque les résidents du comté de Moose montent à bord de la vieille locomotive à vapeur - la célèbre machine n° 9 - pour son voyage inaugural, personne ne se doute que cette première excursion sera aussi la …