Misty of Chincoteague est un roman américain pour la jeunesse, écrit par Marguerite Henry en 1947.

Le Roi du vent est un roman écrit en 1948 pas Marguerite Henry. Son œuvre fut récompensée en 1949 par la Médaille Newbery dans la catégorie « littérature enfantine américaine ». Un film éponyme a été réalisé en 1990.

Stormy, Misty's Foal is a children's novel written by Marguerite Henry, illustrated by Wesley Dennis, and published by Rand McNally in 1963. It was a sequel to Misty of Chincoteague. Both novels are based on historical characters, human and equine, but many of the facts were changed in the stories. Stormy describes …

Joel Goss knows that Little Bub is a special colt, even though he's a runt. And when schoolteacher Justin Morgan asks Joel to break the colt in, Joel is thrilled! Soon word about Little Bub has spread throughout the entire Northeast -- this spirited colt can pull heavier loads than a pair of oxen. And run faster than …