Gudfadern är en roman från 1969, skriven av Mario Puzo. Boken har filmatiserats till filmerna Gudfadern och de delvis fristående Gudfadern del II och Gudfadern del III.

Sicilianaren är en bok av Mario Puzo utkommen 1984. Har även filmatiserats med samma namn. Boken handlar om Salvatore Guiliano och hans liv som bandit. Samtidigt får vi följa Michael Corleones sista veckor i Sicilien, och hur han försöker att komma tillbaka med Salvatore Guiliano, då hans far har bett om detta. Boken …

Omertà is a novel by Mario Puzo, published posthumously in 2000. It was first published by Ballantine Books. Omertà follows the story of Don Aprile's adopted "nephew" Astorre Viola. This is the final book in Puzo's mafia trilogy. The first two were The Godfather and The Last Don.

The Last Don is a novel by Mario Puzo, best known as the author of The Godfather. The story alternates between the film industry and the Las Vegas Strip casinos, showing how the Mafia is linked to them both.

The Family is a 2001 novel written by Mario Puzo. The novel is about Pope Alexander VI and his family. Puzo spent over twenty years working on the book off and on, while he wrote others. The novel was finished by his longtime girlfriend, Carol Gino. The Family is effectively his last novel.

Hasard är den amerikanske författaren Mario Puzos fjärde roman. Originalet Fools die gavs ut 1978 och den svenskspråkiga översättningen 1979. Huvudpersonen är John Merlyn, en amerikansk författare med höga ambitioner som liksom Puzo själv är en hängiven spelare. Bokens handling utspelas i Las Vegas, New York, …

The Fortunate Pilgrim is a 1965 novel by Mario Puzo. Until his dying day, Mario Puzo considered the novel his finest, most poetic, and literary work. In one of his last interviews he stated that he was saddened by the fact that The Godfather, a fiction he never liked, outshone the novel of his mother's honest …

The Fourth K is a novel by Mario Puzo, published in 1990. It is set during the Presidency of fictional "Francis Xavier Kennedy," nephew of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Edward Kennedy.

The Dark Arena is the first novel by Mario Puzo, published in 1955. The book follows Walter Mosca, an American World War II veteran who returns to Germany for his girlfriend, Hella. The novel explores life in post-war Germany, a place where the standard currency is not the German mark or even the US dollar but US-made …