image of Mario Puzo

Mario Puzo

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From the jungles to the deserts to the mean city streets, the men's adventure magazines of the 1950s, '60s and '70s - pulpy periodicals like Real Men, Male, Man's Life, True Men Stories, Untamed, Exotic Adventures and Gusto - left no male fantasy or interest unexplored. War stories, exotic adventure yarns, "true, …

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The Fortunate Pilgrim is a 1965 novel by Mario Puzo. Until his dying day, Mario Puzo considered the novel his finest, most poetic, and literary work. In one of his last interviews he stated that he was saddened by the fact that The Godfather, a fiction he never liked, outshone the novel of his mother's honest …

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The Dark Arena is the first novel by Mario Puzo, published in 1955. The book follows Walter Mosca, an American World War II veteran who returns to Germany for his girlfriend, Hella. The novel explores life in post-war Germany, a place where the standard currency is not the German mark or even the US dollar but US-made …

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Omerta est un roman sur la mafia écrit en 2000 par Mario Puzo, l'auteur du roman Le Parrain. Portail du polar Portail de la littérature américaine