Blade of Tyshalle is a science-fiction novel by Matthew Stover and sequel to Heroes Die set seven years after the events of its predecessor. It is the second book in the ongoing Acts of Caine novel cycle. Like Heroes Die it focuses on Hari Michaelson and his struggles on Earth and Overworld.
Caine Black Knife is a 2008 fantasy novel written by American Science Fiction author Matthew Stover. It is labeled as the third of the Acts of Caine, and is act one of the Atonement story arc. It is published by the Ballantine Books division of Del Rey. This is the third book in "The Acts of Caine" series, following …
Jericho Moon is a 1998 fantasy novel by American author Matthew Stover. The sequel to his first book, Iron Dawn, the story follows the adventures of three Bronze Age mercenaries who are hired to defend the city of Jericho from the Israelites.
Le Traître est un roman de science-fiction écrit par Matthew Stover. Publié aux États-Unis par Del Rey Books en 2002, il a été traduit en français et publié par les éditions Fleuve noir en 2004. Ce roman, se déroulant dans l'univers étendu de Star Wars, est le treizième tome de la série Le Nouvel Ordre Jedi, formée de …