image of Meg Cabot

Meg Cabot

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When lightning strikes there can only be trouble - as Jessica Mastriani finds out when she and best friend Ruth get caught in a thunderstorm. Not that Jess has ever really avoided trouble before. Instead of cheerleading there are fistfights with the football team and month-long stints in detention - not that detention …

... Unknown

The Princess Diaries, Volume VII and 3/4: Valentine Princess is a young adult book in the critically acclaimed Princess Diaries series. Written by Meg Cabot, it was released in 2006 by Harper Collins Publishers and is the fourth novella is the series.

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Una ragazza americana è un romanzo adolescenziale scritto da Meg Cabot e pubblicato nel 2002.Il libro si classificò al primo posto nella lista dei best seller del New York Times il 22 settembre 2002 nella categoria dei libri per ragazzi. La storia ha per protagonista una ragazza quindicenne, Samantha Madison, che vive …

... Unknown

She's just a New York City girl living with her artist mom...News Flash: Dad is prince of Genovia. (So that's why a limo meets her at the airport!)Downer: Dad can't have any more kids. (So no heir to the throne.)Shock of the Century: Like it or not, Mia Thermopolis is prime princess material.Mia must take princess …

... Unknown

Twilight is a young adult novel written by author Meg Cabot and was published by Avon Books in 2004. In the UK, it was published with the title Heaven Sent.