The Pulitzer Prize-winning novel becomes a motion picture starring Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, and Nicole Kidman, directed by Stephen Daldry from a screenplay by David HareThe Hours tells the story of three women: Virginia Woolf, beginning to write Mrs. Dalloway as she recuperates in a London suburb with her husband …

『この世の果ての家』は、アメリカ合衆国の小説家マイケル・カニンガムによる小説。1990年に発表され、ピューリッツァー賞を受賞した。2004年に映画化され、カニンガム自身がその脚本を書いた。日本では『イノセント・ラブ』の題名で公開された。 …

Specimen Days is a 2005 novel by American writer Michael Cunningham. It contains three stories: one that takes place in the past, one in the present, and one in the future. Each of the three stories depicts three central, semi-consistent character-types: a young boy, a man, and a woman. Walt Whitman's poetry is also a …

By Nightfall is the sixth novel by Pulitzer Prize winning American author Michael Cunningham.

Fairy tales for our times from the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The HoursA poisoned apple and a monkey's paw with the power to change fate; a girl whose extraordinarily long hair causes catastrophe; a man with one human arm and one swan's wing; and a house deep in the forest, constructed of gumdrops and …