image of 마이클 무어

마이클 무어

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Remember when everything was looking up? When the government was running at a surplus, pollution was disappearing, peace was breaking out in the Middle East and Northern Ireland, and the Bridge to the 21st century was strung with high–speed Internet cable and paved with 401K gold? Well, so much for the future. …

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Dude, Where's My Country? is a 2003 book by Michael Moore dealing with corporate and political events in the United States. The title is a satirical reworking of the 2000 film Dude, Where's My Car?. The book covers many topics and is written in a heavily satirical fashion, in common with much of Moore's work.

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Until now, Michael Moore has preferred to potshot at corporate America by means of film ("Roger & Me") and television ("TV Nation"). In Downsize This! he resorts to the printed page, and as usual, the results are acerbic and irresistibly amusing. Moore aims his broadsides at such deserving targets as Washington …

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The controversial filmmaker shares a collection of provocative and poignant letters from active duty soldiers, their family members, and veterans who express their thoughts and feelings about the current war in Iraq. 350,000 first printing.

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