L'Archéologie du savoir est un ouvrage du philosophe français Michel Foucault paru en 1969 chez Gallimard. Cet essai d'épistémologie tente d'expliquer la démarche précédemment développée par l'auteur notamment dans Histoire de la folie et Les Mots et les Choses.

Security, Territory, Population is a part of a lecture series by French philosopher Michel Foucault at the Collège de France between 1977 and 1978 and published posthumously based on audio recordings. In it, Foucault examines the notion of biopolitics as a new technology of power over populations that is distinct from …

The Birth of Biopolitics is a part of a lecture series by French philosopher Michel Foucault at the Collège de France between 1978 and 1979 and published posthumously based on audio recordings. In it, Foucault develops further the notion of biopolitics introduced in a previous lecture series, Security, Territory, …