Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future is a novel by American science fiction author Mike Resnick. It was first published in 1986 and reprinted in 2004. The story is essentially a tall tale, in the style of the Wild West, with lonely heroes, shoot-outs and faithless companions. The setting of the novel is the Inner …
Kirinyaga – zbiór opowiadań amerykańskiego pisarza Mike’a Resnicka, wydany w 1996 r. Polska edycja ukazała się nakładem wydawnictwa Prószyński i S-ka w 1998 r.; wszystkie opowiadania przetłumaczyła Paulina Braiter. Opowiadania powiązane ze sobą anturażem i osobą głównego bohatera, łączą się w jedną całość fabuły …
Stalking the Unicorn is a novel, mixing the fantasy and mystery genres, by Mike Resnick. The paperback edition was published in the USA in 1987. The book is followed by two more adventures of the protagonists Stalking the Vampire published 2008 and Stalking the Dragon published in 2009.
Birthright: The Book of Man is a science fiction novel written by Mike Resnick, published in 1982. It describes the fictional history of humanity's conquest of the galaxy that serves as environment for a number of the author's other novels. The book is unrelated to the Birthright of man, a nonfiction collection of …