Beethoven era per un sedicesimo nero è una raccolta di racconti di Nadine Gordimer pubblicata nel 2007, contenente 13 brevi narrazioni slegate tra loro e scritte tra il 2002 ed il 2007.

Loot and Other Stories is set of ten short stories by the South African writer Nadine Gordimer, published in 2003.

First published in 1963, this novel explores the love affair between a black man and a white woman in a time when lovers could be imprisoned for breaking the law against sexual relations across the colour bar.

The Lying Days is the debut novel of Nobel winning South African novelist, Nadine Gordimer. It was published in 1953 in London by Victor Gollancz and New York by Simon & Schuster. It is Gordimer's third published book, following two collections of short stories, Face to Face, and The Soft Voice of the Serpent. The …