Beggars in Spain is a 1993 science fiction novel by Nancy Kress. It was originally published as a novella with the same title in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine and as a limited edition paperback by Axolotl Press in 1991. Kress expanded it, adding three new volumes and eventually two sequels, Beggars and …

Beggars and Choosers is a Hugo-nominated 1994 science-fiction novel by Nancy Kress. It is a sequel to the Hugo-winning Beggars in Spain, and was followed by Beggars Ride in 1996.

Get Your Readers' Attention—And Keep It—From the First World to the Final PageTranslating that initial flash of inspiration into a complete story requires careful crafting. So how do you keep your story from beginning slowly, floundering midway, and trailing off at the end? Nancy Kress shows you effective solutions …

Probability Moon is a 2000 science fiction novel by Nancy Kress. The novel concerns a xenological expedition to the planet World, where aliens live who have developed a strange form of telepathy or collective unconscious, "shared reality", which causes piercing "head-pain" whenever "Worlders" attempt to hold strongly …

Probability Sun is a 2001 science fiction novel by Nancy Kress, a sequel to her 2000 publication Probability Moon. It was followed in 2002 by Probability Space, which won the John W. Campbell Memorial Award. The novel concerns a military expedition to the planet World, where aliens live who have developed a strange …

Sannsynlighetsrom er et matematisk begrep som benyttes i sannsynlighetsteori. Et sannsynlighetsrom er et trippel, der Ω er en mengde, S er en sigma-algebra over Ω, og P er et mål på S slik at P = 1. Ω kalles utfallsrommet og elementene i S kalles hendelser. P er et sannsynlighetsmål, og for E ∈ S, er P sannsynligheten …