Думай и Богатей − книга американского писателя, журналиста и психолога Наполеона Хилла. Впервые была опубликована в 1937 году. Хотя название подразумевает, что эта книга рассказывает только о том, как стать богатым, автор поясняет, что излагаемая в ней философия может быть использована, чтобы помочь людям добиться …

The Law of Success is a 1925 book – actually in the form of a set of 15 separate booklets – by Napoleon Hill. It was released as a limited edition of 118 copies and was given to many of Americas most successful individuals, all of whom had contributed to the book's content. One of those copies was used by Orne …

In 1938, just after publication of his all-time best-seller Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill revealed that he had broken the Devil's Code, forcing him to confess his secrets. The resulting manuscript - Outwitting the Devil - proved so controversial, it was hidden for more than 70 years. Now, Sharon Lechter brings us …