Anathem is perhaps the most brilliant literary invention to date from the incomparable Neal Stephenson, who rocked the world with Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and The Baroque Cycle. Now he imagines an alternate universe where scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians live in seclusion behind ancient monastery walls …
Криптономікон — роман Ніла Стівенсона, написаний у 1999 році. Роман розповідає про пригоди двох груп людей, в двох різних епохах. Першою групою є криптоаналітики антигітлерівської коаліції під час Другої світової війни, а також деякі солдати і шпигуни країн Осі. Інша сюжетна лінія відбувається в наш час, де нащадки …
A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOKThe #1 New York Times bestselling author of Seveneves, Anathem, Reamde, and Cryptonomicon returns with a wildly inventive and entertaining science fiction thriller—Paradise Lost by way of Philip K. Dick—that unfolds in the near future, in parallel worlds.In his youth, Richard “Dodge” …
Interface is a 1994 novel by Neal Stephenson and George Jewsbury. It was originally sold with the author pseudonym of Stephen Bury, then reissued as being by Bury and J. Frederick George, and most recently as being by Stephenson and George. Interface is a near-future thriller, set in 1996, in which a shadowy coalition …