Akhenaten, Dweller in Truth is a novel written and published by Nobel Prize-winning Egyptian author Naguib Mahfouz in 1985. It was translated from Arabic into English in 1998 by Tagreid Abu-Hassabo. The form and subject of the book is the basis for a cello concerto of the same title by Mohammed Fairouz.

Arabian Nights and Days is a novel by Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. The novel serves as a sequel and companion piece for One Thousand and One Nights and includes many of the same characters that appeared in the original work such as Shahryar, Scheherazade, and Aladdin.

Anak-anak Gebelawi adalah judul novel yang ditulis oleh seorang novelis Mesir, Naguib Mahfouz. Seorang teolog Mesir, Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, memberikan komentar bahwa seandainya Mahfouz telah dihukum karena menulis novel ini, maka Salman Rushdie tentunya tidak akan berani menerbitkan novelnya. Para ekstrimis Islam …