The Sandman: The Dream Hunters è un romanzo a fumetti dell'autore inglese Neil Gaiman, illustrato da Yoshitaka Amano. La storia è parallela alla serie a fumetti The Sandman, e può essere letto senza una conoscenza necessaria dei fatti principali della serie. Vinse il Premio Bram Stoker alla Narrativa illustrata, e …

The challenge: create an entire 24-page comic book in 24 consecutive hours. Hundreds of cartoonists have taken this challenge, turning out works that were amazing, amusing, or revelatory. Four-time Harvey Award and Eisner Award winner Scott McCloud, comicdom's top theoretician and inventor of the 24-hour comic, …

Neil Gaiman's Only The End of the World Again is a 2000 compilation of a serialized fantasy story published by Oni Press and originally appearing in Oni Double Feature #6-8 during 1998. The story was created and written by Neil Gaiman, adapted to comic by P. Craig Russell, illustrated by Troy Nixey and was colored for …