Mrtve duše, roman Nikolaja Vasiljeviča Gogolja, napisan 1842. godine, značajno utjecao na pisce 20. stoljeća. Roman „Mrtve duše“ u kojem njegov realizam dolazi do izražaja, prvotno zamišljen kao poema u 3 dijela, po uzoru na Danteovu Božanstvenu komediju podijeljen u tri dijela: pakao, čistilište i raj, ali napisao …

Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol's greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas I. Following the format of a diary, the story …

Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol's greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas I. Following the format of a diary, the story …

Kabanica je pripovjetka Nikolaja Vasiljeviča Gogolja objavljeno 1842. godine i spada u najznačajnija djela ranog ruskog realizma. Njezinoj velikoj popularnosti pripomogao je Dostojevski svojim citatom “Svi smo mi izašli iz Gogoljeve ‘Kabanice’.”

When a barber finds the nose of one of his clients in a loaf of bread baked by his wife, strange events ensue as the client tries to get his nose back.