Le Chant du bourreau est un roman de l'écrivain américain Norman Mailer, publié en 1979, et inspiré de la vie et des témoignages de proches de Gary Gilmore. Il fut récompensé par le prix Pulitzer en 1981.

XIII + 665 pages - plats et contre-plats jaspés - signet conservé - dos à 4 nerfs - auteur, titre et ornements dorés au dos. Bon état Couv. convenable Intérieur frais In-8 Carré Relié demi-cuir Preface de ANDRE MAUROIS - Traduit de l'americain par JEAN MALAQUAIS.

Un château en forêt est le dernier roman de Norman Mailer, publié en 2007, l'année de sa disparition. Il retrace la jeunesse d'Adolf Hitler racontée par le démon qui l'aurait mis sur le chemin de sa tragique destinée. Portail de la littérature américaine

An American Dream is Norman Mailer's fourth novel, published by Dial Press. Mailer wrote it in serialized form for Esquire, consciously attempting to resurrect the methodology used by Charles Dickens and other earlier novelists, with Mailer writing each chapter against monthly deadlines. The book is written in a …

Tough Guys Don't Dance is a noir thriller and murder mystery novel by American writer, Norman Mailer, reminiscent of the works of Dashiell Hammett and Mickey Spillane. The book was filmed in 1987.

Ancient Evenings is a novel by American author Norman Mailer. It deals with the lives of two protagonists, one young, one old, in a very alien Ancient Egypt marked by journeys by the dead, reincarnation, and violent and hyper-sexual gods and mortals in a complex combination of historical fiction, allegory, poetic …

Harlot's Ghost, a fictional chronicle of the Central Intelligence Agency by Norman Mailer. The characters are a mixture of real people and fictional figures.

The Gospel According to the Son is a 1997 novel by Norman Mailer. It purports to be the story of Jesus Christ, told autobiographically.

The Armies of the Night is a nonfiction novel written by Norman Mailer and published by New American Library in 1968. It won the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-fiction and the National Book Award in category Arts and Letters. The book's full title is Armies of the Night: History as a Novel/The Novel as History. Mailer …

Norman Mailers klassiske reportasjebok fra «The Rumble in the Jungle» – århundrets boksekamp – er regnet som tidenes beste idrettsbok. Begivenhetene utspiller seg i Kinshasa, hovedstaden i Zaire. Datoen er 30. oktober 1974. I det ene hjørnet står den regjerende verdensmesteren i tungvekt George Foreman, fryktet for …