A Holtak Szószólója egy háborús, antropológiai sci-fi regény, amit Orson Scott Card írt 1986-ban. A cselekmény az előző rész után 3000 évvel veszi fel a fonalat, miután Andrew „Ender” Wiggin tudtán kívül elpusztít egy értelmes, idegen fajt, ám a faj utolsó képviselőjét megtalálja és beutazza vele a világűrt, hogy …

A Planet Called Treason is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. It was originally published by St Martin's Press and Dell Publishing Co. After being heavily revised, the book was republished under the title Treason by St. Martin's Press.

Lanik Mueller's birthright as heir to planet Treason's most powerful rulership will never be realized. He is a "rad" -- radical regenerative. A freak among people who can regenerate injured flesh... and trade extra body parts to the Offworld oppressors for iron. For, on a planet without hard metals -- or the means of …

[Audio CASSETTE Library Edition in vinyl case][Read by Stephen Hoye, Stefan Rudnicki, Scott Brick] In this thrilling sequel to Seventh Son, Alvin Maker is awakening to many mysteries: his own strange powers, the magic of the American frontier, and the special virtues of its chosen people, the Native Americans. Alvin …

A War of Gifts: An Ender Story is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. This book is set in Card's Ender's Game series and takes place during Ender Wiggin's time at Battle School as described in Card's novels Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow.