Parfymen – berättelsen om en mördare är Patrick Süskinds debutroman från 1985. Den blev en internationell bästsäljare, översattes till 46 språk och såldes i 15 miljoner exemplar. Boken översattes till svenska av Ulrika Wallenström 1990. Boken filmatiserades 2006 av Tom Tykwer med Ben Whishaw i rollen som Grenouille. …

Duvan är en kortroman av den tyska författaren Patrick Süskind som ursprungligen publicerades 1988, och på svenska 2007 Romanen handlar om den fiktiva karaktären Jonathan Noel, en enstörig Parisbo som jobbar som säkerhetsvakt på en bank. Jonathan genomgår en livskris när en duva helt plötsligt sitter framför hans …

A boy's village childhood with all the traditional attributes - father, mother, brother, sister, a house on a lake, tree-climbing, going to the races, music lessons, a bicycle, a crush on a girl in the class - is bedevilled by the mystifying appearances of the eccentric Mr. Sommer. Moving through the landscape in …

From the author of Perfume and The Pigeon, this story revolves around the narrator's relationship with his double-bass. The play has been performed all over Germany and at the Edinburgh Festival.

The "Bloomsbury Birthday Quids" are small editions of short stories by major writers, in a format and style of the "Bloomsbury Classics". Printed on high-quality paper, designed by Jeff Fisher, the books should become collectors' items. This title is "Maitre Mussard's Bequest" by Patrick Suskind.

In ON LOVE AND DEATH, Patrick Suskind reveals the hidden source of his mesmerizing fiction: an obsession with the darkly erotic link between love and death. In this witty and thought-provoking meditation on the two elemental forces of human existence, he brilliantly draws on scenes as contemporary as a young couple …