《普罗旺斯的一年》,又译为:《山居岁月》,是一本英国作家彼德·梅尔于1989所出版的自传型散文集。 这本书叙述作者与家人于1986年迁居法国南部普罗旺斯省份时,第一年的生活点滴,书中文字隽永,笔调诙谐幽默,发行之初即获广大回响,曾高据当时欧美等地非文学类畅销书排行榜多时。 …

The writer with a claim to being the world’s foremost literary escape artist is back, with an intoxicating novel about the business and pleasure of wine, set in his beloved Provence. Max Skinner has recently lost his job at a London financial firm and just as recently learned that he has inherited his late uncle’s …

With his national bestsellers A Year in Provence and Toujours Provence, Peter Mayle gave new meaning to the phrase "great escape." Now he has written a delightful novel of romance, adventure, and tongue-in-cheek suspense, set in the beguiling French region he has staked out as his own.

Peter Mayle, francophile phenomenon and author of A Year in Provence, brings another delightful (and delicious) account of the good life, this time exploring the gustatory pleasures to be found throughout France.The French celebrate food and drink more than any other people, and Mayle shows us just how contagious …

Our hero, glamorous art photographer Andre Kelly, is on assignment for glamorous DQ Magazine--run by the glamorous Camilla Porter--in Cape Ferrat on the (you guessed it) glamorous Côte d'Azur. Snooping around an ancestral pile for some snaps, by chance he spies Old Claude, the ancient retainer of the immensely wealthy …

Once upon a time in Provence, Peter Mayle adopted a dog of uncertain origins and dubious hunting skills and gave him a name—Boy. Now he gives this canny canine a voice in an irresistible “memoir” that proves that the best vantage point for observing life may well be on all fours. As Boy recounts his progress from an …