Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another is a non-fiction book by English chemist and physicist Philip Ball, originally published in 2004, discusses the concept of a “physics of society”. Ball examines past thinkers, such as Thomas Hobbes, Lewis Mumford, Emyr Hughes, and Gottfried Achenwall, who have attempted to …

Dalla formazione degli atomi di idrogeno e ossigeno ai primordi dell’Universo fino alla presenza dell’acqua nelle comete o nei pianeti e nei satelliti del Sistema solare, dal diluvio primordiale di 4 miliardi di anni fa che generò gli oceani ai rischi geologici che incombono sul futuro prossimo, dai diversi tipi di …

For centuries, scientists have struggled to understand the origins of the patterns and forms found in nature. Now, in this lucid and accessibly written book, Philip Ball applies state-of-the-art scientific understanding from the fields of biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and mathematics to these ancient …