The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ is a novel by Philip Pullman. Published in 2010 by Canongate Books, as part of the Canongate Myth Series, it retells the story of Jesus as if he were two people, brothers, "Jesus" and "Christ," with contrasting personalities; Jesus being a moral and godly man, and his …

Kellopeli eli kuinka kaikki vedettiin käyntiin on Philip Pullmanin lastenkirja vuodelta 1995. Teos oli ehdokkaana Whitbread-lastenkirjapalkinnon ja Carnegie-mitalin saajaksi vuonna 1997.

Kreivi Karlstein on Philip Pullmanin ensimmäinen lastenromaani, joka ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran 1982. Alun perin Pullman kirjoitti teoksen opettajana toimiessaan koulunäytelmäksi omien oppilaidensa esitettäväksi. Myöhemmin hän muokkasi teoksesta myös Patrice Aggsin kuvittaman sarjakuvatyylisen version Kreivi …

Olin rotta!, eli, Punaiset kengät on Philip Pullmanin lastenromaani vuodelta 1999. Kirjassa Jonesien pariskunnan ovelle saapuu palvelijan asuun puettu poika, joka väittää olleensa rotta. Romaani muuntelee Tuhkimo-aihetta.

The Firework-Maker's Daughter is a short children's novel by Philip Pullman. It was first published in the United Kingdom by Doubleday in 1995. The first UK edition was illustrated by Nick Harris; a subsequent edition published in the United States was illustrated by S. Saelig Gallagher. Pullman originally wrote the …

The White Mercedes, published in 1992 and now known as The Butterfly Tattoo, is about one character who falls passionately in love, and suffers horribly from then on, as his innocent love is embroiled in a long cycle of revenge and hatred. It was Philip Pullman's first book for younger audiences, which won him …

The Scarecrow and his Servant is a children's novel by Philip Pullman, first published in 2004. It tells the story of a scarecrow who comes alive after being struck by lightning and sets out on a quest with Jack, an orphan he hires as his servant. As he goes on his quest he tries to reach Spring Valley to claim it for …