image of Piers Paul Read

Piers Paul Read

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Viuen és un llibre escrit per Piers Paul Read basat en fets reals. L'octubre de 1972, un equip de rugbi uruguaià anomenat Old Christians va patir un accident aeri a bord d'un avió de la força uruguaiana de l'aire que els transportava a Xile per participar en un partit. L'avió es va estavellar al mig dels Andes sense …

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Every August, barrister John Strickland leaves London for the annual holiday at his wife Clare s family home in Norfolk. This year, on a lazy summer s afternoon Strickland, reads something that changes his life for good. All that Strickland has accepted as the way things are, for good or bad, is turned on its head. In …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Life for the aristocracy was difficult, thier land was falling into the hands ofthe aristocracy.The Kornowski family have to make there ends meat...

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