Tau Zéro est un roman de science-fiction de Poul Anderson. Considéré comme l'un des meilleurs romans de l'auteur, il est aussi l'un des premiers romans représentatifs de la « Hard science-fiction » qui met en avant les possibilités techniques ou les technologies dans la fiction, notamment en matière de voyage …

Trois cœurs, trois lions est un roman de fantasy de Poul Anderson publié en 1961. C'est également une nouvelle du même auteur publiée en 1953 dans le magazine Fantasy & Science Fiction.

Les Croisés du cosmos est un roman de science-fiction écrit par Poul Anderson et publié aux États-Unis en 1960 dans la revue Astounding Science Fiction.

The Broken Sword is a fantasy novel written by Poul Anderson, originally published in 1954. It was issued in a revised edition by Ballantine Books as the twenty-fourth volume of their Ballantine Adult Fantasy series in January 1971. The original text was returned to print by Gollancz in 2002.

The Boat of a Million Years is a science fiction novel by Poul Anderson first published in 1989 and nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel that same year. It was also nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel and the Prometheus Award in 1990.

Guardians of Time is a collection of short stories written by Poul Anderson, published in 1960.

Starfarers is a science fiction novel by Poul Anderson. It was first published in hardcover by Tor Books in November 1998; a book club edition was issued by Tor in conjunction with the Science Fiction Book Club in April 1999, followed by a paperback edition from Tor. An ebook version was published by Gateway/Orion in …

Orion Shall Rise is a science fiction novel by Poul Anderson as part of his Maurai series, published in 1983. The novel is set several hundred years after a devastating nuclear war which has pushed back the level of technology. The action focuses on four societies: The Northwest Union, a technological, clan-based …