Het proces is de Nederlandse titel van Der Process, een fragmentarische roman, geschreven in 1914-15 door Franz Kafka en postuum gepubliceerd in 1925. De hoofdpersoon Josef K. raakt verstrikt in een ondoorgrondelijk rechtssysteem. ‹Jemand mußte Josef K. verleumdet haben, denn ohne daß er etwas Böses getan hätte, wurde …

Nominated for three 2010 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards: From Creation to the death of Joseph, here are all 50 chapters of the Book of Genesis, revealingly illustrated as never before. Envisioning the first book of the bible like no one before him, R. Crumb, the legendary illustrator, reveals here the story of …

"What do I have in common with the Jews? I don't even have anything in common with myself". Nothing could better express the essence of Franz Kafka, a man described by his friends as living behind a "glass wall". Kafka wrote in the tradition of the great Yiddish storytellers, whose stock-in-trade was bizarre fantasy, …

Orpheus Emerged is a novella written by Jack Kerouac in 1945 when he was at Columbia University. The novella was discovered after his death and published in 2002. Orpheus Emerged chronicles the passions, conflicts, and dreams of a group of bohemians searching for truth while studying at a university. Kerouac wrote the …