«Зелёные тени, Белый Кит» — роман Рэя Брэдбери, впервые изданный в 1992 году. Данное произведение отчасти является автобиографическим. Роман написан на основе ранних рассказов, входящих в «Ирландский цикл», а также включает в себя 33 новые главы. По словам самого автора, эта книга - "запоздалое" признание в любви …

Dinosaur Tales is a 1983 short story collection by Ray Bradbury. Several of the stories are original to this collection. Other stories were first published in Collier's and The Saturday Evening Post magazines. The collection contains over 60 pages of illustrations by Gahan Wilson, William Stout, Steranko, Moebius, …

Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow was an anthology of fantasy and horror stories edited by Ray Bradbury and published in 1952. Many of the stories had originally appeared in various magazines including The New Yorker, Charm, The Yale Review, Cosmopolitan, Woman's Home Companion, Tomorrow, The Saturday Evening …