Raymond Chandler is arguably the best American pulp novelist. His prose is so acutely visual, his characters so raw and intense that it is small wonder that all but one of his books have been made into movies. And his hero Philip Marlowe has graduated into American legend. Together with its companion volume (Stories …

"Killer in the Rain" refers to a collection of short stories, including the eponymous title story, written by hard-boiled detective fiction author Raymond Chandler. The collection features eight short stories originally published in pulp magazines between 1935 and 1941. At Chandler's request, the stories remained …

Le Grand Sommeil est un roman noir américain de Raymond Chandler, paru en 1939. Écrit en seulement trois mois, c'est le premier roman mettant en scène le personnage du détective privé Philip Marlowe. Remarquable par sa complexité, le récit compte de nombreuses trahisons, rebondissements et intrigues à tiroir. …