《찰리와 초콜릿 공장》은 영국의 작가 로알드 달이 쓰고 퀜틴 블레이크가 삽화를 그린 1964년에 발표한 아동 소설이다. 유명한 거대 초콜릿 공장의 주인인 윌리 웡카의 공장을 견학하게 된 소년 찰리 버킷의 이야기를 다루고 있다. 소설이 큰 인기를 끌면서 영화 《초콜릿 천국》, 《찰리와 초콜릿 공장》으로 제작되었다. 후속편 《찰리와 거대한 유리 엘리베이터》은 1972년에 …

Roald Dahl's classic children's novel is now a motion picture from The Walt Disney Company, and this version of James and the Giant Peach grew out of the making of the movie. Lane Smith, conceptual artist for the film, has given James and company a new and arresting look, much in the style of his many highly regarded …

The BFG is a children's book written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake, first published in 1982. The book was an expansion of a story told in Danny, the Champion of the World, an earlier Dahl book. Dahl dedicated The BFG to his daughter Olivia, who died of measles encephalitis at age seven. An animated …

The Witches is a children's book by British author Roald Dahl, first published in London in 1983 by Jonathan Cape. The book, like many of Dahl's works, is illustrated by Quentin Blake. The story is partly set in Norway and partly in the United Kingdom, focusing on the experiences of a young boy and his Norwegian …

《찰리와 거대한 유리 엘리베이터》는 영국의 작가 로알드 달이 쓴 아동소설이다. 1972년에 발표되었으며, 1964년에 발표된 《찰리와 초콜릿 공장》의 후속편으로 나왔다.

The Twits is a humorous children's book written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake. It was written in 1979, and first published in 1980. The Twits was adapted for the stage in 2007.

Where did Roald Dahl get all of his wonderful ideas for stories? From his own life, of course! As full of excitement and the unexpected as his world-famous, best-selling books, Roald Dahl's tales of his own childhood are completely fascinating and fiendishly funny. Did you know that Roald Dahl nearly lost his nose in …

From the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG! Danny has a life any boy would love—his home is a gypsy caravan, he's the youngest master car mechanic around, and his best friend is his dad, who never runs out of wonderful stories to tell. But one night Danny discovers a shocking secret …