Charlie i fabryka czekolady – powieść Roalda Dahla wydana w 1964 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii. Została dwukrotnie zekranizowana: w 1971 r. pt. Willy Wonka i fabryka czekolady oraz w 2005 r. pt. Charlie i fabryka czekolady.

Roald Dahl's classic children's novel is now a motion picture from The Walt Disney Company, and this version of James and the Giant Peach grew out of the making of the movie. Lane Smith, conceptual artist for the film, has given James and company a new and arresting look, much in the style of his many highly regarded …

Wielkomilud – powieść dla dzieci autorstwa Roalda Dahla, pisarza brytyjskiego norweskiego pochodzenia. W Polsce ukazała się po raz pierwszy w 1991 roku w tłumaczeniu Michała Kłobukowskiego z budzącymi obiekcje ilustracjami Franciszka Maśluszczaka. Niezwykle kontrowersyjne wydanie pod tytułem BFO w tłumaczeniu Jerzego …

Wiedźmy lub Czarownice – powieść autorstwa Roalda Dahla ilustrowana przez Quentina Blakea, pierwszy raz wydana w Londynie w 1983 roku przez brytyjskie wydawnictwo Jonathan Cape. Na podstawie książki w 1990 został nakręcony film pod tym samym tytułem, będący ekranizacją powieści. Książka opowiada o przygodach …

Picking right up where Charlie and the Chocolate Factory left off, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator continues the adventures of Charlie Bucket, his family, and Willy Wonka, the eccentric candy maker. As the book begins, our heroes are shooting into the sky in a glass elevator, headed for destinations unknown. What …

The Twits is a humorous children's book written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake. It was written in 1979, and first published in 1980. The Twits was adapted for the stage in 2007.

Fantastic Mr Fox is a children's novel written by British author Roald Dahl. It was published in 1970, by George Allen & Unwin in the UK and Alfred A. Knopf in the U.S., with illustrations by Donald Chaffin. The first UK Puffin paperback, first issued in 1974, featured illustrations by Jill Bennett. Later editions …

Where did Roald Dahl get all of his wonderful ideas for stories? From his own life, of course! As full of excitement and the unexpected as his world-famous, best-selling books, Roald Dahl's tales of his own childhood are completely fascinating and fiendishly funny. Did you know that Roald Dahl nearly lost his nose in …

From the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG! Danny has a life any boy would love—his home is a gypsy caravan, he's the youngest master car mechanic around, and his best friend is his dad, who never runs out of wonderful stories to tell. But one night Danny discovers a shocking secret …