I let it go—all of it. Everything I’d been saving up all my life, building and growing inside me, too much to hold in one half-human body. It pushed and fought to be free with a force that turned me into a bomb with a timer vibrating on zero. I was free.But so was everything I’d fought so hard not to be.... Brothers …

People die. Everyone knows that. I knew it intimately as everyone in my life died thanks to my one seemingly harmless mistake. I'd brought down Heaven, lifted up Hell, and set the world on fire, all due to one slip of the memory. I forgot the pizzas... Caliban is a dead man. The Vigil, a group devoted to concealing …

Brothers Cal and Niko Leandros have faced supernatural serial killers before. Chasing one more is just another night's work, but what they don't realize is that this time, the assumed prey is actually their predator. Springheeled-Jack has been watching them for some time. He knows the brothers and wants what they owe …