NATIONAL BESTSELLER Winner of the Walter Scott Prize for historical fiction Winner of the American Library in Paris Book Award A whistle-blower. A witch hunt. A cover-up. Secret tribunals, out-of-control intelligence agencies, and government corruption. Welcome to 1890s Paris. Alfred Dreyfus has been convicted of …

Engelen i Arkhangelsk er en roman av den engelske forfatteren Robert Harris, utgitt i 1998. BBC laget i 2005 en TV-serie av romanen med Daniel Craig i hovedrollen.

Enigma is a novel by Robert Harris about Tom Jericho, a young mathematician trying to break the Germans' "Enigma" ciphers during World War II. It was adapted to film in 2001. He is stationed in Bletchley Park, the British cryptologist central office, and is worked to the point of exhaustion.