«Лес Мифаго» — роман в жанре фэнтези, написанный Робертом Холдстоком русск. и опубликованный в Англии в 1984 году. Ещё в 1979 Холдсток написал рассказ для Миллфордской мастерской писателей; потом, в сентябре 1981 года, в «Журнале Фэнтези и научной фантастики» появилась повесть с тем же именем. Она и начала серию …

Лавондисс: Путешествие в неведомый край — роман в жанре фэнтези, написанный Робертом Холдстоком русск. и опубликованный в Англии в 1988 году. Это 2-й роман из серии Лес Мифаго. Название романа намекает как на реальные, так и на мифологические места: Лионесс, Авалон и Дис; в романе так называется ледяное сердце …

The Hollowing is the third fantasy novel of the Mythago Wood series written by Robert Holdstock. It was originally published in 1993. The title refers to a magical pathway, or hollowing, an archaic English term for a sunken lane or hollow-way. The Hollowing was inspired by the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. …

Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn is a fantasy novel by British author Robert Holdstock. It was originally published in the United States in 1997 The story is a prequel to Mythago Wood and explores Christian Huxley's quest into Ryhope Wood and the apparent suicide of his mother, Jennifer Huxley. The title of the book refers …

The Bone Forest is a book opening with a novella of the same name followed by seven short stories. All were written by Robert Holdstock and published in 1991 and 1992. This novella is a prequel to the entire Mythago Wood cycle. According to the author it was written "to fill in the background and back-story to Mythago …

Merlin's Wood; or, The Vision of Magic is a short novel written by Robert Holdstock and was first published in the United Kingdom in 1994. The novel is considered part of the Mythago Wood cycle, but takes place in Brittany, France instead of Herefordshire, England. The work has all new characters and focuses on the …