Dr. Jekyll és Mr. Hyde különös esete Robert Louis Stevenson skót regényíró 1886-ban megjelent regénye. A mű a 19. századi Londonban játszódik, ahol Utterson ügyvéd megpróbál utánajárni a furcsa eseményeknek, amik összekötik barátját, a jó Dr. Jekyll orvost és tudóst, valamint a gonosz Mr. …

At last, the return of one of the most influential comic artists of the last two decades! Mattotti (Fires), along with long-time collaborator Kramsky, creates a spectacular adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson classic of horror, emphasizing it as a psychological thriller. At the height of his career, Dr. Jekyll …

"The Beach of Falesá" is a short story by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. It was first published in the Illustrated London News in 1892, and later published in book form in the short-story collection Island Nights' Entertainments. It was written after Stevenson moved to the South Seas island of Samoa just a …