"The Pavilion on the Links" is a short-story by Robert Louis Stevenson. It was first published in Cornhill Magazine. A revised version was included in The New Arabian Nights. The story was considered by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1890 as "the high-water mark of [Stevenson’s] genius" and "the first short story in the …
Weir of Hermiston is an unfinished novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. Many have considered it his masterpiece. It was cut short by Stevenson's sudden death in 1894 from a cerebral hemorrhage. The novel is set in Edinburgh and the Lothians at the time of the Napoleonic Wars.
Wyspa skarbów – powieść przygodowa autorstwa szkockiego pisarza Roberta Louisa Stevensona opowiadająca o losach piratów, poszukujących ukrytego skarbu. Po raz pierwszy wydano ją w całości w roku 1883, natomiast w latach 1881–1882 ukazywała się w odcinkach w czasopiśmie dla dzieci "Young Folks". Stevenson wpadł na …