A Dog Called Demolition is a 1996 fantasy novel by British author Robert Rankin. The novel begins with Sam Sprout, who is now close to death but discovers the more positive aspect to his life. The novel then follows Danny Orion front Brentford and the dog 'Demolition', who lives in his head. As with many of Rankin's …

Knees Up Mother Earth is the seventh book by Robert Rankin in the Brentford Trilogy, as well as the second book in the The Witches of Chiswick Trilogy. The plot centers on the efforts of Jim Pooley and John Omalley to save Brentford F.C.'s football ground from demolition as part of a satanic conspiracy to awake the …

Nostradamus Ate My Hamster is a fantasy novel by British author Robert Rankin. In it, several seemingly unconnected and nonsensical events come together to make perfect clarity at the end; these include time travel and an attempted alien invasion vaguely orchestrated by Hitler. The plot centers on the aptly named …