The Man Who Sold the Moon is the title of a 1950 collection of science fiction short stories by Robert A. Heinlein. The stories, part of Heinlein's Future History series, appear in the first edition as follows: Introduction by John W. Campbell, Jr., editor of Astounding Science Fiction Foreword by Robert A. Heinlein …

D'une planète à l'autre est un roman de science-fiction écrit par Robert A. Heinlein et publié en 1951.

L'Enfant tombé des étoiles est un roman de Robert A. Heinlein publié en 1957. Il raconte l'histoire d'un adolescent qui découvre que son animal de compagnie extraterrestre n'est pas ce qu'il paraît. John Thomas Stuart XI, dont un ancêtre a rapporté un animal extraterrestre d'un voyage interstellaire, a un problème. …

L'Âge des étoiles est un roman de Robert A. Heinlein publié en 1956. En hommage ce nom a été donné à une collection de romans de science-fiction : L'Âge des étoiles.

For Us, The Living: A Comedy of Customs is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, written in 1938 but published for the first time in 2003. Heinlein admirer and science fiction author Spider Robinson titled his introductory essay "RAH DNA", as he believes this first, unpublished novel formed the DNA of …

Revolt in 2100 is a 1953 collection by Robert A. Heinlein and is part of his Future History series. The contents are as follows: Foreword by Henry Kuttner, "The Innocent Eye" "If This Goes On—" "Coventry" "Misfit" Future History chart Afterword: "Concerning Stories Never Written" The short novel, "If This Goes On—", …

The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag is a collection of fantasy short stories by Robert A. Heinlein. Published by The Gnome Press in, the collection was also published in paperback under the title 6 X H.

Expanded Universe is a 1980 collection of stories and essays by Robert A. Heinlein. In full, its title is Expanded Universe, The New Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein. The trade paperback 1981 edition lists the subtitle under other Heinlein books as More Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein because the contents subsume the 1966 …