image of Robin Cook

Robin Cook

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Mutation is a book written by Robin Cook about the ethics of genetic engineering. It brings up the benefits, risks, and consequences.

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Abduction is a 2000 novel written by Robin Cook.

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Shock is a novel written by Robin Cook in 2001. It's a medical science fiction woven around a fertility clinic that uses unethical means to get rich.

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Sphinx is a 1979 novel by Robin Cook. Unlike most of his novels, its theme is Egyptology and the modern black market in antiquities rather than medicine. Set in 1980, mainly in Egypt, it deals with a young American Egyptologist named Erica Baron on a working vacation in Egypt who finds herself sucked into a dangerous …

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Brain is a medical thriller written by Robin Cook. It describes how a future generation of computers will work hard-wired to human brains.

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Harmful Intent is a novel by Robin Cook. Like most of Cook's other work, it is a medical thriller.

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Tout le monde a droit à l'erreur. Sauf un médecin...Sa carrière, il ne la doit qu'à lui-même. Devenu l'un des spécialistes les plus réputés de Boston, le Dr Craig Bowman est aussi surpris qu'humilié de se retrouver accusé de négligence, traîné en justice par la famille d'une riche patiente morte entre ses mains. Une …

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Si Robin Cook est considéré comme le maître incontesté du thriller médical, c'est qu'au fil des ans, ce médecin-spécialiste a su introduire dans des scénarios au suspense parfait, des sujets d'actualité qui nous concernent tous : greffes, dons d'organe, génétique...Morts accidentelles nous entraîne en Inde où le …

... Unknown

Blindsight is a novel by Robin Cook. Like most of Cook's other work, it is a medical thriller. This story introduces New York City pathologist Laurie Montgomery as being new to the medical examiner's office. She uncovers a series of drug overdoses and gangland-style murders with a grisly twist. An abnormal increase in …