Voici donc la critique au centre d'un débat singulièrement violent : les attaques dont, en France, " la nouvelle critique " vient de faire l'objet, ont pris l'allure d'un interdit collectif. A partir d'un certain nombre d'idées reçues, on ironise, on censure, on condamne. Cette activité négative est-elle cependant …
Incidents is a 1987 collection of four essays by Roland Barthes. It was published posthumously by François Wahl, Roland Barthes's literary executor.
A major discovery: The lost diary of a great mind—and an intimate, deeply moving study of griefThe day after his mother's death in October 1977, the influential philosopher Roland Barthes began a diary of mourning. Taking notes on index cards as was his habit, he reflected on a new solitude, on the ebb and flow of …