Om Begrebet Ironi med stadigt Hensyn til Socrates er Søren Kierkegaards afhandling fra 1841. Den var kulminationen på tre års intensivt studium af Sokrates fra Xenofons, Aristofanes' og Platons synsvinkel. Afhandlingen er delt i tre: Første del omhandler ironi og specielt sokratisk ironi. Den består af tre kapitler, …

The Book on Adler is a work by the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, written during his second authorship, and was published posthumously in 1872. The work is partly about pastor Adolph Peter Adler who claimed to have received a revelation. After some questionable acts, Adler was subsequently dismissed from his …

The Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses, sometimes called the Eighteen Edifying Discourses, is a collection of discourses produced by Søren Kierkegaard during the years of 1843 and 1844. Although he published some of his works using pseudonyms, these discourses were signed his own name as author. His discourses stress …

Two Ages: A Literary Review is the first book in Søren Kierkegaard's second authorship and was published on March 30, 1846. The work followed The Corsair affair in which he was the target of public ridicule and consequently displays his thought on "the public" and an individual's relationship to it. The book was a …