East, West is a 1994 anthology of short stories by Salman Rushdie. The book is divided into three main sections, entitled "East", "West", and "East, West", each section containing stories from their respective geographical areas. Though Rushdie himself never divulged the exact inspirations for his stories in East, …

Els fills de la mitjanit és un llibre de Salman Rushdie publicat el 1981, traduït al català per Joan Sellent Arús, que tracta sobre la transició de l'Índia del colonialisme britànic a la independència i la partició de l'Índia. Es considera un exemple de literatura postcolonial i realisme màgic. La història és …

Fury, published in 2001, is the seventh novel by postcolonial author Salman Rushdie. Rushdie deploys a Roman conceit as an extended metaphor throughout the novel as he depicts contemporary New York City as the epicenter of globalization and all of its tragic flaws.

Grimus is a 1975 fantasy and science fiction novel by Salman Rushdie. It was his literary debut. The story loosely follows Flapping Eagle, a young Indian who receives the gift of immortality after drinking a magic fluid. After drinking the fluid, Flapping Eagle wanders the earth for 777 years 7 months and 7 days, …